women dance classes bellydance boca raton

Prayer Dance | Spiritual Bellydancing | Chakra Clearing | Breathwork | Strip Dancing | Workshops | Private Classes | Develop Inner Sensuality | Divine Feminine Training

Just like EMDR helps alleviate PTSD, Hannah Meorah's Spiritual Bellydance balances the brain and body so that we become masters of reality, and decision making. Hannah is guiding us through a journey of transformation and the release of blockages to our success. Including breathwork, Qi Gong, Yoga, and chakra balancing techniques, Hannah offers a wonderful transformative experience in each class. We will focus on Joy, Prosperity, and connecting to the Divine.
By embodying the Divine through gentle movement & dance, we can attain states of inner peace and harmony... from which all manifestation flows. Learn Temple Priestess techniques like posture/chakra alignment, self-healing, grounding, clearing, prayer/ritual, and more. Learn how to tap into your own kundalini, freely, in a safe environment through the combined arts of dance, energy work, and archetypes. Learn how to access your Core Spirit of strength, confidence, abundance, and high guidance. Go at your own pace. Gather a group and get 10% off. Bring your favorite beverage, water, or other. 
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women dancing together at sunset in a meditative dance with reflections in the water