Biography-about Hannah Meorah


Hannah Meorah riding a horse in South Florida.
hannah meorah meditation on the beach in Boca Raton, Florida
"I am dedicated to uplifting humanity in all its glorious ways. I delve deep into reality to discover the purest truth and identify the most effective pathways for all forms of healing and evolution. On these pages, you'll find numerous light-filled blessings to support and enrich your journey." - HANNAH MEORAH


Daughter of a sailor-father and artist-mother, Hannah Meorah grew wings early in her youth. Her mother taught her about the miracle of life through her love and propagation of plants. She sewed costumes and made exceptional craft parties. Her father taught her the ways of sea and wind and the importance of a positive attitude.

Hannah learned to utilize her imagination and sense of adventure as a child. Mesmerized by nature and the beauty in details, she explored earth and sea alike, meticulously. Every crawling creature and sun-spun-web would catch her eye. And somewhere, one time, she saw a horse. Hannah Meorah’s first imitations of a horse were on all fours, cantering through the house and backyard. The embodiment of a horse was familiar, freeing, and fun.

Hannah Meorah’s conviction to succeed was born out of many childhood challenges. The most significant event aside from her father leaving, was her initial initiation into shamanism. Hannah was initiated as a young child through a life-threatening trauma that broke the barrier veil between the spirit world and mundane earth reality. The dark interlude between she and her step grandfather was born from two unthinkable acts. Her excruciating pain and terror broke all inherited belief systems about the nature of reality and God. Unable to breathe, Hannah died for a few moments.

This near-death experience gifted Hannah Meorah with clairvoyance and the ability to connect to an unseen fabric of multidimensional energy and spirit, the kundalini in all creation. The strange phenomena of seeing spirit guides, patterns of energy, and sensing the emotions and thoughts of others, became an intriguing, yet confusing, perceptual learning curve.

The religious concepts of her upbringing did not explain the mystifying, extrasensory perception that was triggered during her near-death experience. Nor did they explain the pulsative kundalini experiences she was having at random. Nor the energy she could feel through her hands of the plants and trees.

Partly driven to heal repressed suffering, and partly driven from enticing curiosity for the unveiling mystical, Hannah was propelled into a lifelong path of spiritual exploration and training. Yoga, Tai Chi, Chi Gong, Shamanism, plant medicine journeys, and Tantra, are a few of the practices she studied. Her continual prodding to heal and grow came from a need to be free. Free from all the entanglements of human suffering and wounding.

Hannah Meorah was gifted as a child and later attended The Art Institute of Tampa, Florida where she grew in technique and design. Today, Hannah Meorah maintains a daily spiritual practice and is the bedrock for her art success. Every painting is infused with strong lifeforce energy. Her signature means “light from Hannah”. There is kundalini in her prayer-dance and it is running through her brush with every stroke. Sometimes with the fire element riding her back. Sometimes with the water element soothing all fear. And always with white light.

Hannah Meorah with her sensual horse art in the background, Boca Raton, Florida